Frequently Asked Questions

TRON INVEST is an international investment company officially registered in United Kingdom. TRON INVEST Is the foundation made up of private and public investors providing worldwide Crypto Currencies Exchange Mining and Trading services, escrow and a scalable system of distributed computing. Our powerful computing system is optimized for the issuance of Bitcoin, Ethereum, LiteCoin, Tether and other most common decentralized crypto currencies.

The registration process on the website is quite simple. You need to fill out the fields of the registration form, which include the name and nick-name of the user, his email address and password.

After login, you can visit Edit Account page to edit your details. For security reasons, we do not allow users to change their e-mail after registration. If you would like to change your e-mail, please contact our support and we will change it for you.

After registration, you need to familiarize yourself with investment rates and replenish the deposit by the corresponding amount.

At the moment we accept only Tron (TRX).

No, both deposit and withdrawal of funds are carried out without any fees, except for those provided by payment systems. Payment Processors charge some fees for sending or reciving funds we have no control on it .

As a rule, money is credited to your account instantly, Your deposit is automatically added after 1-3 Blockchain network confirmations for cryptocurrencies.